Socio-Cultural Heritage

‘Uniqueness and creativity’ flows in everyone’s mind, ‘Simplicity and honesty’ is the driving force, ‘Folk- Music and dance’ are the source of inspiration for every individual in Western Odisha (WO). It is surrounded by natural beauty, mountains and fountains, rich with natural resources and dense forests, it’s glorious history and soothing language, literature and divine culture and it’s heritage creates its own identity and differentiates it from rest part of Odisha.

Festival / Jani Jatra / Parab:

Western Odisha has a culture of celebrating festivals with holistic and divine objectives. Every faestival has deep connotation and related to create love, respect for Nature, Human beings, god and goddesses (empowering women) that establishes a strong unity and integrity among the people. Few examples of such ethnic festivals are:

  • Nuakhai (Pre-harvesting festival: offering new paddy grain (preparing Chura Kunaa) to god before being used by any creature that brings awareness about love of nature and bring unity and integrity. The festival is seen as a new ray of hope. It has a big significance for farmers and the agricultural community.
  • Puspuni (Post harvesting Festival: It has given rise to a great tradition of celebration by other communities, too. People of Western Odisha, irrespective of their economic occupation feast, song and dance, and rejoice in giving away on this day. On this day Chher-Chheraa is custom which symbolises a concern for the non-producing members of the society.)
  • Po Jiunta (a unique festival celebrated by mothers to show the intense Love for children)
  • Bhae Jiunta (Love for brothers)
  • Gundikhai (Awareness on fruits, nature)
  • Sitalsasthi (Holiness and importance of marriage)
  • Dhanujatra (Awareness of victory of truth)
  • Jugar Jatra (Symbol of Satwikata/Amhinsa)
  • Chhatar Jatra (Festival of sacrifices of negative attitude from individuals)
  • Karamsani ( Prayer to the forest deity)
  • Muitchhian (Prayer to the soil/the mother earth)
  • Narsingh Chaturdasi & Vaisakh Puni Jatra ( Birth of Narsingh Mahapuru)
  • Savitri Uans (Respect to the husband)

many more…..

Music & Dance (Nach Gana):

The style of dances of WO carries unique significance. The classification  of music and dance have much significance with varieties of themes like Romanticism, Emotional appeal, Historical Myths, Nature, Science, energy…

There are different tune, music, rhythms and steps for different occasions…To quote:

Dulha Biha(Marriage farewell song to address the bride). The tone, the rhythm, the lyric directly appeals the heart and makes one thoughtful. Other such examples are:-Humobauli ,Sajani, Rasarkeli, Jaiphula, Maaila Jada, Dalkhai, Karma , Jhumer, Dand, Ghumra, Sabar–Sabaren, Nachina, Bajnia, Sanchar, Ghudka/Ghubkudu, Dhap/Changu, Krushnguru, Dadnaa, Kalngi, many more…..

Musical Instruments of WO (Baja Gaja):

Dhol, Dhulak, Dubitabla, Murdung, Mardal, Nalbaja, Dhap, Timkidi, Nagara, Behala, Khanjani, Dhapli, Muhuri, Nainsi, Singh-kahali-Bir-Kahali, Ghulghula, Ghunguru, Kendera, Khadkhadi, Ektara, Ghumra, Gini, Kathi, Jhanj, Maadal, Nishan, Gudka , Tasha, Jhumka etc.

Western Odisha Food:

Aersa Pitha, Suaanli Pitha, Chaul Mada, Tikhri, Madia, Dumka Pitha, Mahul Chakel and Lia Jugar, Henua, Karddi, Letha , Jhuri-Chhati Purga, Baul Saag and Kuler Saag are some of the most rare Western Odisha food that can be found anywhere else.

Sambalpuri Saree:

Western Odisha weavers are so intelligent and skilled in using the Khosa Kira nest (Silk Warm) to produce the magnificent thread and design colorful, shining and decorative patas, which is appreciated worldwide. Moreover the hand woven cotton sarees, popularly known as Sambalpuri Sarees  have different attraction. Varieties of the Sambalpuri saree include Sonepuri, Saptaapar , Bomkei, Barpaali, Baaptaa etc., all are popular. Most sarees are named after the places of their origin and they are popularly known as Paata. A special type of “tie and dye” known as ‘’Baandha’’ is used to weave Sambalpuri saree. Sambalpuri saree possesses fast colours, so that, the older the saree becomes, the colour becomes brighter.

Language & Literature:

The Language spoken in Western Odisha is Kosali-Sambalpuri which is generally mother tongue of the people of Western Odisha. Many books, natak, poetry etc. has been written in this language. Ramayana, Mahabharat, Srimad Bhagabat Gita, Baibel etc. also has been written. The famous cinema Bhukha, Salabudha, Aadim Bichar, Chini etc. also released in this language. Presently, this language is under consideration of inclusion in 8th schedule of our constitution.