Pushpuni BhetGhat

Puspuni is an important festival of western Odisha where farmer families celebrate their annual harvest of paddy. This is observed on the Puni (English Full Moon) day of the month of Pus (Sanskrit Pausha). People feast, song and dance, and rejoice in giving away on this day irrespective of their economic occupation.

Chher-Chhera: Apart from the great feasting and merrymaking, there is also one more great event that is observed on this Puspuni. This is known as Chher-Chheraa.  On this day the little boys and girls move round the village from door to door and collect Chher-Chhera, a handful of grains from every household. With this they prepare food and feast away from home. Dance and music are integral part of children’s Chher-Chhera as they play traditional “Dandhaa” on this day.


In the year 2020, Puspuni Bhetghat was celebrated on 16th February 2020 at Soundaryya Vignana Kendra, Hyderabad. After inaugural speech by Ananta Biswal, annual report was presented by Ramkrushna Barik.  Krushna Priya Kala Parishad (Tusra) Sana-Bada Ghudka team were the main attraction of the event. Their mesmerizing cultural performances were thoroughly enjoyed by all. WOSACA Hyd’s cultural band “Panch-naad” performed a musical act “TUI BADA ki MUI BADA” directed by Iswar Kumbhar. Mahesh Das, Sudhanshu Tripathy, Manoj Pradhan, Krushna Sahoo, Bhabendra Pradhan, Dillip Dehury participated in this act. Special CHER-CHERA program was conducted for kids. Special lunch with authentic cuisine of western Odisha was served which was enjoyed by all. The program was hosted and coordinated by Pratyush Mishra and Padmanabha Padhan. Sankarsan Sahu presented the vote of thanks at the end.

Puspuni Tihar which was organized at Srinidhi Resort on 17th February 2019 with greater participation.  Cultural program “NACHNIA” performed by wosaca members was the main attraction of the event. Tug-of-war, Music Chair, Magic show and other internal programs were thoroughly enjoyed by all. Traditional “Chher-Chhera” program was highly appreciated by all.

In the year 2018, it was a bigger Puspuni Bhetghat which was organized in Summer Green Resort. Cultural programs were performed on this occasion and traditional “Chher-Chhera” was the highlight of the event.

Puspuni is being celebrated by WOSACA every year with much enthusiasm with an aim to keep our culture and traditions alive. It was organized in Celebrity Resort in the year 2017 and was a huge success with games, food and music being integral part of the event.

Puspuni Bhetghat was organized in Summer Green Resort in 2016. Audience interaction, Music chair, tug-of-war, swimming competition and other cultural programs  were conducted on this occasion followed by delicious lunch.